Overview, Importance And Troubleshooting

The number might sound trivial, but it holds massive significance in the computing and networking realm. It is an IP address that comes under the category of private network, specifically for Local Area Networks or LANs. They are required to ensure the smooth functioning of the connected devices within a private network. They route data by managing the overall flow and productivity of the private network. Administrators often use the address to configure the devices, such as routers, computers, printers, etc connected to a network. In addition to routing data, it offers a safe environment to let the connected devices communicate with one another without any conflict. Let’s dig more into its working and significance.


The IP address falls under the private IP address range that can’t be accessed from the public network, which is the Internet. Offices, universities, or any private or government organizations have their own private networks or LANs with the help of which multiple tasks are executed without interference from the global internet. The address comes between to range and it is allotted to the devices in a network for data transmission. This ensures safe and uninterrupted communication between the devices within a local network. Also, it enhances the network’s productivity and security. 

Purpose Of IP Address In Networking 

One of the major purposes of using the IP address in networking is the identification of the device. Each and every device within the network is given a unique IP address so that it can be recognized at once. This helps figure out which device is using the resource and how to manage the flow without a deadlock. It ensures the smooth transmission of data between the devices. Because it is available for internet usage, it provides a robust layer of security to the network. It minimizes virus attacks from external networks.

How Does Work In Networking?

The IP address is part of a class B private IP address that is used for offices, apartments, homes, etc. Users have full control over allocating this address to any device in a network. It could be a printer, desktop, laptop, router, etc. 

Benefits Of Using

Using a IP address within a private network comes with tons of benefits for users. Below you can read those benefits.

  • It Offers Greater Scalability: This IP address is known for allowing other devices to get connected to a private network. There is no hurdle in adding new devices. If the network administrator feels like adding more devices to the network, they can do so with ease. There is always a scope for additional devices. This shows its adaptability to different needs and requirements. 
  • Security Against Potential Cyber Attack: All the devices within a network are protected with enhanced security. No unauthorized access or potential cyber attack can breach the security of the devices. 
  • Improved Network Speed: Improved speed of the network is one of the main benefits of using this IP address. It ensures to improve the overall speed, allowing struggle-free transmission of data packets.

    Security Factors Associated With

    Despite being a private IP address that adds a layer of security to all the available devices within a network, it is still not safe completely. Internet attacks, inaccurate configuration of the devices, and network administrator issues can challenge the security of the private network. In order to keep the devices safe and secure, you must consider the below-mentioned points.

    1. Password generation can ensure the security of each device connected to a network. Make sure that you have provided a strong and hard-to-guess password for every device in the network. Although setting a password seems a basic step, it is still effective and secure. Generate strong different passwords for the devices.
    1. Keeping the firmware updated is another effective point that you must keep in your head to ensure the security of your devices within a private network. Updates firmware will provide devices with protection against private network vulnerabilities. 

    Troubleshooting Common Issues Of

    You may have encountered some issues while using the IP address Let’s look at those common issues that can break the natural flow of the private network.

    • IP Address Conflict: This IP address conflict can occur when another device within a private network is using the same IP address or trying to use it. This issue can be resolved by changing the IP address manually. You can also reboot the device.
    • Connectivity Problem: You may come across a situation where the device with this IP address can not connect to the network. Verify DHCP server if it’s working fine or not. 


    The IP address has its own purpose, uniqueness, and importance in the world of networking. Be it transmitting data between the devices or providing security to the network. The write-up delves into the overview, benefits, purpose, security factors, and concerns of the IP address. In case of confusion or issues, reach us by sharing your feedback in the comments below.

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