How can a Car Accident Lawyer prove to be helpful?

A car accident can be an overwhelming and frightening ordeal. A serious enough accident can result in severe stress, life-threatening injuries, and trauma. Unfortunately, car accidents are all too common events.  

People involved in car accidents are often reluctant to deal with insurance companies. Insurance policies can be difficult to understand, with claims tied up in confusing policy language. They may offer low or unfair compensation and may use bad-faith insurance tactics. Without a legal professional, it may be challenging for you to negotiate with the insurance company.

Choosing a knowledgeable Philadelphia Car Accident Lawyer who is well-versed in handling such cases is essential to know the actual value of your claim and communicate with the insurers.

Important information required in a car accident claim  

Even with insurance coverage, a car accident can involve many issues that should be handled with great care and responsibility. When you or a loved one is involved in a car accident, it is very important to document certain information promptly.

  • First, if you have a camera phone, take as many pictures of the scene as possible. Also, take photos of the license plates on all the involved cars.
  • Secondly, all potential insurance information must be collected from all involved drivers. It is OK to provide your information to them.
  • Thirdly, take pictures of all the property damage caused by the crash. Afterward, take photographs of all the property damage that may have been present before the accident.
  • Finally, if anyone stops and says that they saw the incident, you must also get their information, name and number, in case you need them for later.

Do not rely on the police to document everything that they should. Many times, police reports are incomplete or even inaccurate.

In addition, the police came to the scene after the incident, and accordingly, they had no first-hand knowledge of how the accident had happened. Therefore, sometimes, they adopt the wrong story or set of facts. It is vital to collect all the information on your own.

Need Legal Help? Contact a Car Accident Attorney

The legal system is confusing and complicated. The victim may consult an experienced lawyer to help you gather evidence, fight for your rights, and pursue fair compensation for your damages. In addition, they will negotiate with the insurance companies and represent you in court before the jury or judge to present your interests in the best possible manner.

You should contact a personal injury law firm and let us handle all the aggravation. Call or email us today to set up a free consultation.