Gold IRA: Smart Money Move for a Secure Retirement

You do not have all your life to work as you currently do. There should come a time when you sit back, relax, and enjoy all your many years of hard work and sacrifices. That time is supposed to be the latter part and is the whole concept behind retirement.

Sadly, this is not how it plays out for everyone and some sad stats prove this. One such is how many retirees are overly dependent on social security. More shocking is how almost half the number of people nearing retirement have not even gathered enough to maintain their current lifestyle afterward. You can click here for more information on this.

Well, the chances of being financially secure and fulfilled after retirement are seriously dependent on making the right and timely investment decisions. For one, this calls for choosing the right retirement savings and investment scheme, which is where an option like a Gold IRA comes up.

Understanding some of the differences between it, traditional IRAs, and even other retirement savings and investment options will help you realize this. Read on as this article sheds more light on this.

How Gold IRA Differs from Traditional IRA 

There is such a thing as a traditional IRA. The IRA as a whole is a retirement savings and investment scheme highly regulated by the IRS (Internal Revenue Service). By the way, IRA is the acronym for Individual Retirement Account.

It started with traditional IRA, which is how investment in traditional financial assets such as stocks, bonds, ETFs, and mutual funds is permitted. Its popularity among workers has therefore led to questions such as “What is a gold IRA?” and more. Overall, some of the key differences include:

Investment Option

Rather than investing in traditional financial assets such as stocks, bonds, ETFs, and mutual funds, precious metals are the investment option with Gold IRA. However, there are further regulations in this regard.

For example, there are only four precious metals that can be invested in – gold, silver, palladium, and platinum. Furthermore, the investment is in tangible rather than intangible precious metals that meet the IRS’s standard.

Tax Treatment

Some tax privileges apply when workers invest in assets using the IRS-regulated IRA scheme. This is regardless of the kind of IRA scheme used. This is one of the strong points for savings and investment using this scheme as a whole.

However, there are still differences in the way these tax privileges play out, depending on the option used. In the case of the traditional option, taxes are deferred until withdrawal time. However, contributions are mostly tax-deductible.

In the case of the Gold IRA, there are similarities. However, it is worth mentioning how tax deductions are influenced by the price of the precious metal in question. This is as opposed to taxation as if it were an ordinary income.

Market Behavior

Market volatility is one of the major concerns when considering retirement savings to investment under a traditional IRA. The reason is because of how strongly the stock & bond market influences such investments.

While investment in precious metals such as gold is also volatile in its way, it offers a different and perhaps a better profile. This is considering how it is not adversely affected by many of the factors that adversely affect investments in traditional financial assets.

Essentially, its value is determined by the precious metal’s price. This is rather than political, geographical, and certain economic factors. It is the reason why it (gold most especially) has been historically proven to offer a reasonable hedge against inflation and economic downturns.

Custodians & Storage

The services of certain service providers are required for the management of both investment options under the IRA scheme. In the case of traditional IRAs, this can be banks, mutual fund establishments, or brokerage firms. It all depends on the kind of financial asset in question.

However, it is quite different with Gold IRA. For starters, the investment is in something tangible. On this note, IRS-approved storage facilities are supposed to be engaged for the storage of these tangible assets. But even before storage, the services of custodians are required at various levels and for various tasks.


There are cost implications for either option. However, there are also differences in the kinds of fees that apply.

Broadly speaking, the expenses in this regard are usually lower with traditional IRAs. This is especially because what is stored is not a physical asset, as is the case with Gold IRA. Custodian, setup, and storage fees are some of the expenses associated with running a Gold IRA.

Having established the edge that the traditional option has in this regard, it is not a sufficient yardstick for making an informed decision. This is because profit/dividend margin and market reliability also need to be factored in.


Generally speaking, the liquidation of traditional financial assets is a lot easier. However, the fact that the IRS is involved in this kind of precious metal investment helps in the area of liquidity.

Additional Advice for Success with Gold IRA

Deciding to leverage the Gold IRA scheme is a huge step in the right direction but certain success tips ensure that you have a positive experience. To this end, some recommendations include the following:

  • Portfolio Diversification – Every metal permitted under this scheme has its investment uniqueness. As a result, spreading your investment can ensure that you enjoy the benefits of multiple precious metals and even with risk mitigation
  • Use a Trusted Custodian – The scheme has its complexities. The services of a capable custodian will help with easy navigation in your best interest
  • Pay Attention to Fees & Costs – Settling for the wrong deals can eat too deep into your profit. So, be aware and avoid expensive fees and costs. This is not to say that you should settle for below-par services and products
  • Perform Periodic Reviews – Your performance as an investor should be periodically reviewed to ensure informed decisions
  • Consider Investment Protection – You may want to also invest in further investment insurance. However, the bare minimum is dealing with services that offer liability coverage in your best interest. For example, this is one of the reasons to only store your assets in IRS-approved depositories
  • Do Not Fall for Scams – Service providers and sellers should be carefully vetted. Additionally, make sure your decision to buy assets is not only influenced by markup details

Taking note of all of these will go a long way in making this investment experience a positive one. So, bear this in mind.


Both traditional and Gold IRAs have subcategories that should be well understood before investment actions are taken. For instance, there are Roth, SEP, and traditional Gold IRAs. You can read this article for more insight on this.

Overall, leveraging a Gold IRA is a very smart way to secure one’s retirement. This is down to the IRS’s beneficial setup in regulating this scheme and the prospects of investing in precious metals permitted under this scheme.