Nine Amazing Qualities of a Good Developmental Editor

Writing a book is a bigger challenge than often perceived. This endeavor requires a lot of effort, dedication, and resilience. While every way to make your book great relies on your end, the biggest limitation is that you can only look at your work from one perspective.

Relying on only your perspective makes it easier for one to overlook plot holes, realism, consistency, and much more. Instead of hoping for the best by relying on your perspective alone, you can hire a professional developmental editor.

While there is no denying the importance of a developmental editor, here are some tips to consider if you are struggling to choose the best one.

  1. Reliable Training

Just because a developmental editor seems to be confident and ready to take up a challenge does not mean that they are the best choice for your work. Developmental editing can be quite challenging, and your editor must have some of the best training to be able to bring out the best in your work.

Training and credentials of a developmental editor show that they have worked hard towards excelling in their writing skills. In addition, several writing and editing associations also offer certification to the best editors. If you find a developmental editor with credentials for reliable associations, you can feel more confident about hiring them.

  1. Range of References

Another factor that sets the developmental editing services of any editor apart from the other is their range of references. A developmental editor will not shy away from sharing their references if their clients are satisfied.

If an editor has several happy and satisfied clients, you will likely be satisfied, too. Therefore, you must always ask the editors you are considering to hire for references. Reviewing these references can give you a sense of confidence while hiring a developmental editor.

  1. Practical Solutions

One of the best things about a developmental editor is that they do not offer you ambiguous assistance. For example, they will not say that your characters need more development or your plot is too weak. Instead, they will offer you practical solutions to the issues in your manuscript.

Of course, as an author, you can understand that it does not help much when someone says that a certain aspect of your manuscript is not working out. It is always more helpful when an expert such as a developmental editor offers you constructive criticism and empowers you to bring out the best in your book.

  1. Creative Partnership

The more creative people you have by your side, the more you can improve your work. As an author, you do not have to be the only one with a creative say in your work. A developmental editor can also immerse themselves in your story and help you bring out the best in it.

Whether you are writing about a character in the world of thumb-sized fairies or a creative memoir about a life-changing experience, a touch of creativity can always benefit you and your work in the best possible ways.

  1. Reliable Writing Skills

A developmental editor does not only help you improve your current project. They also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses as a writer. Their insight and guidance can help you become a better writer for your future work as well.

Not to mention, every great developmental editor is also a brilliant writer. Based on their expertise and hands-on experience, they can help you strengthen your narrative, sharpen up your dialogue, and make your work stand out.

  1. You Have the Final Say

The best thing about working with developmental editors is they do not force their opinions on you. They provide you with suggestions and feedback as recommendations. As an author, you will always have the final word, especially if the developmental editor fails to justify their suggestions.

If you feel that a developmental editor’s suggestions affect the essence of your story or do not sit well with you, you can always feel free to disagree with them. After all, it is your piece of work, and you know what the best is for it.

  1. Satisfactory Explanations

You must pay attention to every suggestion made by a developmental editor, especially if you are a novice writer. Just because you feel unsure about a suggestion they made does not mean that you are right and they are wrong. An experienced developmental editor must be able to provide explanations for every change they recommend.

Instead of rejecting suggestions made by a developmental editor right away, you can always ask them for explanations. A brilliant developmental editor must be able to provide you with a reasonable explanation behind their suggestion and how it can bring out the best in your manuscript.

  1. Understanding of the Market Trends

Although developmental editors do not claim to be marketing experts, their experience makes them a reliable resource for having a basic understanding of marketing trends. This knowledge can be very helpful for authors on the publishing journey, especially if they are heading on this path for the first time.

At the least, good developmental editors know you, your work, and your target audience. Working with several other aspiring writers, they stay updated on the marketing trends to help their clients in the best possible ways.

  1. Objective Opinion

If you have just completed your manuscript, you may have asked your friends or family members to read and review your work at least once. Even if you have requested them to be objective and harsh in providing their opinion, it is fair to say that they may sugarcoat some information to encourage you and keep you motivated.

Having the support of a loved one can be wonderful, but it should not stop you from discovering the full potential of your work. You can rely on a developmental editor to be an objective person you can fully rely on. 

Developmental editors have no reason to sugarcoat information for you. They will be blunt in presenting their point of view to ensure that your work reaches its audience in the best form.

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