White-Label payment solutions are a convenient tool for brand promotion

White-Label payment solutions

It is easy for big brands to promote themselves with expensive advertising campaigns. Advertising on television and in well-known publications is an unacceptable luxury for start-ups and small and medium-sized businesses. However, modern methods of promoting one’s brand are still available for small companies. One such method is White-Label payment solutions. They allow, even with a small advertising budget, to reach a wide target audience and increase brand recognition in the shortest possible time.

White-Label payment solutions: what are they?

Wallester offers white-label payment solutions. Wallester customers use a special platform to issue and manage payment cards. They offer financial services under their own brand while utilising Wallester’s infrastructure and technology.

Using White-Label payment solutions avoids unnecessary expenditure on building their infrastructure and entering into agreements with payment systems. Users of such solutions do not have to worry about maintaining their operability and modernising the software. They pay only a small subscription fee for using the solution and can design it themselves using corporate colours and symbols.

Scope of White-Label payment solutions

White-Label payment solutions will be useful for companies from the following industries:

  1. Fintech. Companies that have been providing services for a long time and have their software can easily integrate White-Label payment solutions into their software. There is no need to develop a payment gateway on their own. It saves not only money but also time.
  2. Cryptocurrency. On the Wallester platform, the process of integrating fiat payments is maximally simplified, so the user does not need to understand payment processing issues thoroughly. It facilitates quick and easy implementation of an innovative payment solution.
  3. E-commerce. White-Label payment solutions provide e-commerce businesses with a secure payment environment. Their customers can skip third-party services and websites to complete a purchase, which is the main cause of incomplete transactions. By utilising proprietary payment solutions, these companies have an increased conversion rate. These solutions can also be used as a branded payment card or e-wallet.

How to increase customer loyalty with White-Label payment solutions?

To remain competitive in the market, a business needs to attract new customers and increase the loyalty of the existing customer base. It is necessary to properly build relationships with customers and maintain constant contact with them. Thanks to White-Label payment solutions, customers get a sense of belonging to the brand and start feeling an important part of the company. When a client receives a branded payment card with the company’s logo and corporate colours, it becomes a source of brand advertising every time it is used. Branded cards increase brand recognition and brand loyalty. Every time a client uses a card to pay for goods or services, his subconscious mind strengthens a positive attitude toward the brand whose logo is marked on the payment instrument.

A payment card with a personalised design is a small advertising platform that is always in the customer’s wallet. To improve the user’s attitude to the brand, you can offer him favourable options. These can be cashback for purchases paid for with the card, promotions, loyalty points and all kinds of gifts that motivate the customer to use the card as often as possible.

How to make a brand recognisable and improve the company’s image with White-Label payment solutions?

For a brand to be successful, it must be recognisable. If people don’t know about a company’s existence, you can’t even dream of making any profit. White-label payment solutions will help increase a brand’s recognisability. A payment card with a customised corporate design plays the role of a billboard that helps the user quickly remember the company name.

When a cardholder uses a card, he or she pays attention to its characteristics, such as speed of transaction processing, security, and convenience of use. The more they use the card, the more these characteristics begin to be associated with the brand whose logo appears on the payment instrument.

If the card is convenient and convenient to use, the cardholder will tell his friends and acquaintances about it. ‘Word of mouth’ always helps to improve brand recognition and attract new customers.

Fighting with competitors

White-label payment solutions are an innovative technology. If you use them, you are keeping up with the times and are an order of magnitude above your competitors. Customers will perceive you as an industry innovator open to experimentation and ready to offer only the newest and best solutions.

With the help of White-Label payment solutions, you will be able to improve the image of your company and significantly expand your client base. Having your cards with corporate design will give you a competitive advantage and increase customer loyalty. Besides, it will take much less time and money to implement the White-Label card project than to develop your patented payment solution. At the same time, you will have a safe and compliant with all international norms product at your disposal.